• News
  • 2020
  • 【News Release】(Asahi) An article related to professor Junji KIDO titled "Yamagata University developed an illumination equipment for appreciation with a light source close to natural light utilized the combination of OLED and Gold Lacquer" was released.

【News Release】(Asahi) An article related to professor Junji KIDO titled "Yamagata University developed an illumination equipment for appreciation with a light source close to natural light utilized the combination of OLED and Gold Lacquer" was released.

posted Apr. 04, 2020

Professor Junji KIDO (Yamagata University) and buddhist altar manufacturer HOSHI (Aitsu Wakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture) etc. developed a decorative panel "Moon and Firefly" utilized the combination of OLED and tranditional craft "Gold Lacquer". The research group is aiming to commercialize the research result as an appreciative lighting that is able to provide relaxation for living space after repeated trial manufactures.





📚 For more please go to see >> Asahi Shimbun (April, 4, 2020, Saturday)

📚 Mainichi Web News >> https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN4374KPN3MUZHB00T.html