Paper - A paper related to Konami IZUMI, Research Collaboration Associate Professor of Tokito lab, "Improved fine layer patterning using Soft Blanket Gravure printing technology” was accepted by Flexible and Printed Electronics.
Paper - A cooperative research paper written by Daobin YANG, a doctoral research fellow of Kido/Sasabe Lab, with Professor HUANG (South China University of Technology) and Professor LU (Sichuan University) was accepted by J. Mater. Chem. A.
News Release - (Nikkei) An article related to Professor Fumihiko HIROSE titled "The world's largest device that can make protective film for electronic components at room temperature." was released.
Award - 3 students of Masuhara Lab, Keiji SHIDO (D2), Kazuki UMEMOTO (M2) and Masaki TAKEDA (M2) won Alumni Association Chairman Award. The prize-awarding ceremony was held on Feb, 16 at Kojirakawa Campus.
Award - 3 students of Masuhara Lab, Keiji SHIDO (D2), Kazuki UMEMOTO (M2) and Masaki AITA (M1) won Excellent Student Award, and the prize-awarding ceremony was held on Feb, 15 at Kojirakawa Campus.
News Release - (Yamagata) An article related to Professor Shizuo TOKITO titled "Research Center for Organic Electronics (Yamagata University) won grand prize for its printing technology at a research exhibition in Tokyo" was released.
Information - Printable Electronics 2018 was held at Tokyo Big Sight (Feb, 14 ~16).
Paper - A joint paper written by Yasunori TAKEDA, Assistant Professor of Tokito lab, "Naphthalimide end capped anthraquinone based solution-processable n-channel organic semiconductors: effect of alkyl chain engineering on charge transport” was published on Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
Award - 2 students (3rd-year doctoral course) of Kido/Sasabe Lab, Yuichiro WATANABE and Ryutaro KOMATSU won Alumni Association Chairman Award. The prize-awarding ceremony was held on Feb, 16 at Kojirakawa Campus.
Award - 2 students (1st-year master course) of Kido/Sasabe Lab, Tatsuya OHSAWA and Takashi ITO won Excellent Student Award, and prize-awarding ceremony was held on Feb, 15 at Kojirakawa Campus.
TV Broadcast - A news related to Associate Professor Yoshiyuki SUZURI on his research, which is world 1st development and could make flexible OLED panels long-life, was showed on TV (NHK Ohayo Yamagata, Februrary, 14, 6:55pm~ and 7:50pm~).
Paper - A review related to recent progress of pyrimidine derivatives for high-performance OLEDs, written by Ryutaro KOMATSU, a 3rd-year doctoral course student of Kido/Sasabe Lab and belongs to iFront program, was accepted by Journal of Photonics for Energy (SPIE).
News Release - (Nikkei) An article related to venture company Future Ink Corporation titled "Future Ink commercialized its product that can measure respiration and pulse when it is laid down to sleep upon" was released.
News Release - (Yamagata) An article related to Associate Professor Yoshiyuki SUZURI titled "Associate Professor Suzuri's group developed a new technology to make OLED panels long-life, and the lifespan will be double" was released.
News Release - (Nikkei) An article related to Associate Professor Yoshiyuki SUZURI titled "Yamagata University group developed a new technology to prevent deterioration of flexible OLED panels and make them long-life" was released.
Press Release - Associate Professor Yoshiyuki SUZURI had a press release on his research that is world 1st development and could make flexible OLED panels long-life.
News Release - (Nikkei) An article related to Professor Junji KIDO titled "V Technology will advance into Yonezawa and start to manufacture mask for OLED displays" was released.
Paper - A paper related to Takahiro KAMATA, a 2nd-year doctoral student of Kido/Sasabe Lab, was accepted by Chemistry An European Journal (Wiley), and was also selected as insaide cover.
Paper - A paper related to Kohei ENDO, a 1st-year master course student of Kido/Sasabe Lab was accepted by Inorganic Chemistry (ACS).
Information - The 3rd Soft Matter Consortium Symposium will be held at TKP Garden City Takebashi (Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku) on March 2.