Paper - A paper written by Professor Shizuo TOKITO titled "Flexible and Printed Organic Electronics based on Organic Thin-Film Transistor Device Technology” was published on Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan.
Information - An international conference, EL2018 & 2018 International Conference on the Science & Technology of Emissive Display and Lighting, will be held at Meiji University, Surugadai Campus (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan).
News Release - (Nikkei) An article related to Professor Junji KIDO titled "Yamagata Uiversity originated venture FLASK contracted commissioned manufacturing of its products next-generation OLED materials with Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd." was released.
Paper - A paper related to Kazuo UDAGAWA, a research assistant of Kido/Sasabe Lab, was selected as Best 2 of Advanced Optical Materials 2016.
Paper - A paper related to Associate Professor Makoto MIZUKAMI was accepted by IEEE Electron Devices Society.
Paper - A paper related to Takahiro KAMATA, a 2nd-year doctoral student of Kido/Sasabe Lab, was accepted by Chemistry A European Journal (Wiley).
News Release - (Yamagata) An article related to Professor Junji KIDO titled "A sweets contest using dried apple made in Yonezawa Tateyama, a place of apple production of Yamagata Prefecture, has been held. Pastry chef Takeo SHIMIZU from Tokyo won 1st place for his work 'The Grace of Fruits'" was released.
Award - Assistant Professor Yasunori TAKEDA of Tokito Lab, won "Presentation Encouragement Award" at 2017 Autumn Meeting of 43rd The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
News Release - (Yamagata) An article related to Professor Junji KIDO titled "He emphasized that setting a goal is very important for a student in a seminar relating to a partnership agreement with Tsuruoka Technical High School" was released.
Web Release - Prof Junji KIDO was selected as one of "Highly Cited Researchers for 2017" for four consecutive years.
Magazine Release - (The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan) An article related to Smart MIRAI House, an expeiment and demonstration institution of Yamagata University, was released on IEEJ Journal (Vol.137, No.11).
Paper - A paper of Kido/Sasabe Lab related to a collaborative research with South China University of Technology was picked as Most Read Articles of November, 2017 by Chemistry of Materials.
Paper - A paper related to Taichirou KARASAWA, a master course student graduated in March, 2017, was accepted by Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS).
News Release - (Yomiuri) An article related to Associate Professor Takashi HOSHIBA titled "Yamagata Prefectural Yonezawa Kojokan High School received Prefectural Governor Award for the research on neural stem cell culture substrate." was released.
News Release - (Nikkan Kogyo) An article related to Tokito Lab titled "A stress sensor being able to use saliva to measure stress instantly" was released.
News Release - (Yonezawa) An article related to Konami IZUMI, Research Collaboration Associate Professor of Tokito Lab, titled "The research of Izumi Associate Professor of Yamagata University, thin-film printing on curved surface, was adopted by JST." was released.
Award - Yoshiki AITA, a 1st-year master course student of Masuhara lab, received Best Poster Presentation Award at SmaSys 2017 on October, 13, 2017.
Award - Katsuki UMEMOTO, a 2nd-year master course student of Masuhara lab, received Best Oral Presentation Award at SmaSys 2017 on October, 13, 2017.
Award - Miho DOI, a 1st-year master course student of Masuhara lab, received Excellent Poster Prize at Joint Meeting of the Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies on September, 17, 2017.
Award - Masaki TAKEDA, a 2nd-year master course student of Masuhara lab, received Excellent Poster Prize at Joint Meeting of the Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies on September, 17, 2017.